Basketball Shoot, Friday, March 2 Start Time: 10am Location: Canoa Ranch
Coordinator: Dwight Monberg (520) 625-4071 Basketball Shoot - Total of 20 shots
Bean Bag Toss, Friday, March 23 Start Time: 8am Location: West Center
Coordinators: Tom Rudesill (763) 218-4684 and Charlotte Farnum/Lyle Ronne • Men's and women's singles events
Bicycling - 4 Mile/12 Mile Friday, March 2 (Competitive ride) Start Time: 9am for 4 mile 10am for 12 mile - The route begins at the Quail Creek Country Club.
Location: Quail Creek Coordinator: Sahuarita Recreation Staff - (520) 445-7850
Billiards/8-BALL - March 5-6-7-8 Women's Start Time: 8am - Location: West Center
Coordinators: Lisa Wilding (970) 590-9215 and John Feden (520) 812-0178
Billiards: Mixed Doubles Start Time: 8 am, March 9 (9-Ball Teams) / Men's Start Time: 8 am March 12-14 (8-Ball Singles) March 15-16 (9-Ball Singles) - Location: West Center
Coordinators: Lisa Wilding (970) 590-9215 and John Feden (520) 812-0178
Bocce, March 14-16 Singles, March 19-23 Men, Women & Mixed Doubles Start Time: 8am - Location: Canoa Hills
Coordinators: Coordinators: Ken Lyon, Dick Melchiorre (520) 396-3949
Canasta: March 8 Start Time: 1pm - Location: Las Campanas
Coordinators: Barbara Tams (520) 625-2226 and Millie Paluch (520) 625-8265 • Men and women compete together
Chess - Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24 Start Time: 8am Location: Santa Rita Springs
Coordinator: Jim Clark (520) 347-7706 Six round USCF rated Swiss Byes accepted one day in advance, no 1/2 point byes for the 6th round after event starts USCF rules apply Time limit: 40 moves in 90 minutes, game in 30 minutes with a 5 second delay preferred Medals awarded at completion of the event for players rated 1500 and above and for players rated below 1500
Euchre: Tuesday, March 13 - Start Time: 1pm - Location: Desert Hills
Coordinator: Ray Asbjornson (520) 591-6557 Darla Wolfe (541) 653-7979 • Men and women compete together
Field Events: Saturday, March 10 Start Time: 8am - Location: Continental School
Coordinator: Bill Worth (520) 269-6844 • Events will run continuously until completed • Football Punt, Pass & Kick and Softball Throw events
Golf Skills: Wednesday, March 14 Start Time: 1pm - Location: Torres Blancas Driving Range
Coordinators: Sandy & Geoff Tuckwell (520) 393-3695 • Age brackets in 5 year increments • Closest to the Pin: 100 yard shot • Contestants hit 3 shots at flag 100 yards away • The closest ball will be measured and recorded • Putting Contest • 9 holes laid out on practice putting green • Lowest score for 9 holes wins • Chip Shots to a target; Each contestant hits 3 shots • 10 pts. putting shot into hole • 7 pts. inside the inner circle • 4 pts. inside outer circle
Hearts: Thursday, March 15 Start Time: 1pm - Location: Las Campanas
Coordinators: John Wicklund (520) 399-2104 and Marty Allen (520) 625-9279 • Men and women compete together
Horseshoes: Tuesday, March 6 (Singles) Thursday, March 8 (Doubles) Start Time: 8am - Location: Abrego South
Coordinator: Gilbert Moss (520) 812-0292
Mah Jongg - National Friday, March 2 and Monday, March 5 Start Time: 9am - Location: Santa Rita Springs (Fiesta Room)
Coordinators: Barbara Mauser (520) 393-3659 Barbara Young (520) 484-3263
Mah Jongg - Wright Patterson: Saturday, March 17 Start Time: 9am - Location: Las Campanas
Coordinator: Penny Smith (505) 807-2892
Pickleball - Double Elimination Tournament: March 6 (Men Doubles) / March 7 (Mixed Doubles) / March 8 (Women Doubles) Warm up: 7:30am Start Time: 8:00am - Location: Quail Creek Pickleball Courts
Coordinators: Donna Coon and Donna Davis Email: Schedule of play will be posted by March 5 on
Pickleball - Round Robin Tournament: March 10- Men and Womens Doubles Warm ups: 8am Start Time: 8:30am , March 11 Mixed Doubles - Warm Up 10:30AM, Start 11:00 am - Location: GVR East Center Pickleball Courts
Coordinators: Joanie Davis (520) 237-7490 and Cathy Ciferri (513) 739-1901
Pinochle Friday, March 9 (Single Deck) Friday, March 16 (Double Deck) Start Time: 1pm - Location: East Center
Coordinators: Vickie Joy (520) 203-7544 and Jo Ann Jones (520) 648-7571
Powerlifting Saturday, March 24 Start Time: 9am - Location: Copper Fitness
Coordinators: Lou Alvarez and Justin Foss (520) 777-3645
Racquetball Monday-Saturday, March 12-17 Matches Scheduled: 8am-12pm - Location: Las Campanas
Coordinator: Wayne Ferreira (520) 260-1470 Men and women compete separately, if possible
Run/Walk Saturday, March 10 Start Time: 9am 5k and 10am 2k - Location: Continental School
Coordinators: Erin McGinnis (520) 850-8126 and Jane Sage • Course: Flat oval 400m flat track • Participants report by 8:30am • 5k run, 2k walk, 400m, 200m, 100m
Sheepshead: Wednesday, March 14 Start Time: 1pm - Location: Las Campanas
Coordinators: Nancy Theisen (262) 284-5331 and Bill Worth (520) 269-6844
Shuffleboard: March 5-6 (Doubles) / March 12-13 (Singles) Start Time: 9am - Location: West Center
Coordinators: Maury Flanagan (520) 399-3650, John Tams (520) 625-2226 and Ray Asbjornson (520) 591-6557 • Singles and doubles are played in a championship and consolation format
Swimming: Saturday, March 17 Start Time: 9am - Location: West Center
Meet Director: Judy Gillies (This is a non-USMS sanctioned event)
Table Tennis: Saturday, March 17 Check-in: 9am Start Time: 10am - Location: West Center
Coordinators: Ford Demming (303) 809-9874 and Gary Rungius (360) 463-2174 • Round Robin format within age groups; Games to 11 points, best 3 out of 5 • Minimum of 2 matches - Men and Women compete separately, if sufficient entries
Tennis Tournament: March 19-24 Start Time: 8am - Location: West Center
Co-Coordinators: Tim Keillor (705) 498-8089 Beth Markham (705) 498-7681 Rick Hogan (808) 896-4922 • Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles, and Mixed Doubles
Texas Hold’em: March 9 (Practice) / March 16 (Competition) Start Time: 1pm - Location: Casa Paloma I
Coordinators: Mike Knight (520) 625-4611 and Bob Northrup (520) 207-6745 • Practice session on March 9
Tri-Event - Green Valley Style / March 2 - (4 mile or 12 mile Bike Ride) / March 10 - (2k Walk or 5k Run) / March 17 - (25 yard or 500 yard Swim) - Locations: Quail Creek, Continental School, and West Center
• Participants must compete in one (1) event on each of the three (3) days to qualify for a medal • Medals will be awarded on March 18 after swimming events end A Division: 5k Run, 12 Mile Bike Ride, 500 yard Swim B Division: 2k Walk, 4 Mile Bike Ride, 25 yard Swim
Volleyball - Sand: March 9-10 Start Time: 8:30am - Location: Abrego South
Coordinators: Jim West (262) 853-5523, Carl Nell (414) 378-5999 and Larry Stroh (701) 388-0674
Volleyball - Water: March 16-17 Start Time: 10am - Location: Abrego South Pool
Coordinators: Bob & Diane Robinson (520) 625- 9004
Wallyball Wednesday-Friday, March 7-9, Men 3/7, Women 3/8, Co-ed 3/9 Start Time: 12pm - Location: Las Campanas
Coordinators: Jill Dryden (520) 648-0282