April Travelogue
Come to Chincheros, Peru with Patty Ferguson (a native of Peru) and Holly Chorba (a tourist) as they explore this colorful weaving village in the Peruvian Highlands. The people there will explain to you how they prepare and craft their beautiful, colorful garb.
Pat Leege - will present a Travelogue on Bryce, Zion and Las Vegas.
HORSES and ICONS of The WEST - Linda Sparks
YiPee Ti Yi Ya! Horses, cowboys, cowgirls, cows, elk, bighorn, bison. Wyoming’s best and Icons of the West. Nothing like at the ranch in the snow! So describes a 20 minute travelogue to be presented by Linda Sparks.
In addition to the regular travelogues presented, there will be a new feature: Bad Travelogues. Very short (3 minutes maximum), examples of the kinds of things people should avoid including in their work will be shown. There will be a vote for the worst.
Please email Paul McCreary at traveloguecc@gmail.com if you have a program to share on the big screen, or drop off your thumb drive with a .mov or .mpeg4 show in the Travelogue folder at the Club.
In order to participate in this event, you must be a member of Green Valley Recreation.