December Travelogue
Notice change of venue, we will be in the Desert Hills Auditorium!
John Sharrock will present a December travelogue about Botswana and its wildlife, people and places.
Holly Chorba will present Whitewater Cowgirls. She traveled to Salmon, Idaho with 6 other women and 3 male outfitters taking care of them…guiding, providing equipment, setting up camp, cooking, cleaning. Physically demanding, but what a vacation! Both the outfitters and the 7 attendees were happy, enthused, and had a great time getting to know each other a bit. This show was shot primarily on an iPhone XS and a little waterproof point and shoot Panasonic.
Also, a preview of Rawhide Cowgirls Ride will be shown, followed by the full-length production at a later date.
Paul and Becky McCreary will present a travelogue entitled The Road to Taos. It shows aspects of the art, galleries, museums and surroundings of the magical town of Taos, New Mexico. Also included are stops along the way and back.
Please email Paul McCreary at if you have a program to share on the big screen, or drop off your thumb drive with a .mov or .mpeg4 show in the Travelogue folder at the Club.
In order to participate in this event, you must be a member of Green Valley Recreation.