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iPhone Photography

  • 02/26/2019
  • 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (MST)
  • Kino Room, GVR Camera Club, Santa Rita Springs Social Center
  • 26


  • You must be a Member to attend this event.

Registration is closed

iPhone Photography

Much of the time, the camera we have with us is our iPhone. It is good for snapshots, but can really take great pictures. This class will go over techniques for taking better photos using the features in the camera. It will also go over all of the editing tools built into the Photos app on your iPhone. There are also many third-party editing apps and cameras apps. The class will look at some of these and demonstrate how they work. This class will only deal with the iPhone, but the techniques for taking good photos can apply to any smartphone.

Instructor: Grace Pitzer

To cancel your registration contact

You must be a member of GVR and the GVR Camera Club to attend this class.

The GVR Photography Club is located in the Recreation Village of Santa Rita Springs.
921 West Via Rio Fuerte, Green Valley, AZ 85622 
Phone 520-648-1315

If you have any questions or concerns please call the above number during business hours or email us at: gvrphotographyclub@gmail.com

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