Birding/Nature: Patagonia Lake State Park / Tucson Audubon's Paton Center for Hummingbirds 1/21/2025
Cost: The Field trip is free, but you must register to attend. There is a $20 entry fee to the State Park.
NOTE: The trip to the Paton Center is designed especially for those members who have mobility issues. There is a covered sitting area which is easily accessed through a beautiful butterfly garden. You can simply sit and enjoy/photograph the birds and Patagonia Lake has plenty of picnic tables.
Located on the edge of Patagonia, the Tucson Audubon's Paton Center for Hummingbirds is a place to explore and experience the special birds of southeast Arizona. It is dedicated to the celebration and conservation of hummingbirds—and all of southeast Arizona’s astounding biodiversity—through recreation, education, and sustainable living. 213 bird species have been reported for this cozy home lot on the outskirts of Patagonia, including Violet-crowned Hummingbirds, Gray Hawks, Varied Buntings, Thick-billed Kingbirds, and many more local specialties.
If you have binoculars, you may want to bring them along. A small notebook and pen or pencil would be useful to record your sightings.
A no-host lunch will be at the Velvet Elvis at La Mision in Patagonia. For information about the restaurant, click here.
Meet at the Photography Club at 7:30 AM in the upper parking lot for carpooling, depart at 7:45 AM. If carpooling, $20 is an appropriate amount to give your driver.
GVR requires that every person participating in Photography Club Field Trips must sign a one-time waiver prior to departure absolving GVR of any liability. You may sign the waiver the morning of the trip, if you have not already done so.
Denise LeCount-O'Brien will be our leader. Call her at (309)830-0177 or email her at with questions.
If you need to canceI, please contact Field Trip Coordinator Lynn Rozema at (719) 351-5193 or On the day of departure call Denise.
No refunds after 1/14/2025.
All participants need to be responsible for an assessment of their mobility and health issues relating to field trips. Some trips may not be appropriate, but you must make that determination. However, the trip leader may deny participation in a specific field trip to anyone deemed not suitably prepared or able to walk with the group.
The club strives to provide several field trips specifically designed for members with physical limitations.
In order to participate in this event, you must be a member of the GVR Photography Club and GVR.